Cool Campaigns Don't Cut It

May 22, 2024

Campaigns are simple, right?

Snap a few cool photos your consumers will like, take a video showing off the product or service and come up with a catchy caption enticing the audience…right?

Love the enthusiasm but give us 4 minutes of your time to explain why ‘cool campaigns’ are just not enough these days. Whilst they can be eye catching, if that's all you've got you will lose them quicker than you had them. Let’s talk about CCC…
Customer Centric Campaigns. With the world, and especially the online world, being so heavily saturated with brands, products, services & well, marketing, we need a deeper approach to campaigns. Now, more than ever, it is so important to be investing in customer/consumer-centric campaigns. 

Consumer centric campaigns are putting the consumers' needs and wants at the forefront of your strategy. We have put together three major things to consider when developing your campaign strategy to make sure you have the consumers point of view in mind. 


Gone are the days of admiring ‘influencers’ designer handbags and lavish world round trips *cough
please take us*... While people may still watch and talk about it, we know there is much stronger engagement when approaching your audience through strategy. When we learn about our audience, what their life looks like, who they are surrounded by and most importantly, what they need AND want, we have the ability to build a much stronger strategy that drives engagement and in turn, drives sales. This is why it is so important to learn about your target audience inside and out so your strategy can be bang on. 


While there will always be room for impulsive shoppers and of course, I’m sure most brands love them, strategy should be focused on consumers' pain points. Giving a solution to a consumer pain point improves retention, value and word of mouth marketing - which we all know is the strongest of all. This is because you are actually helping fix their problem. This is how you gain repeat customers and attract a dedicated customer database.


Once you have reached consumers through your strategy, it is important to find the right balance between nurturing the relationship and just plain nagging them. The last thing you want is for your customers to feel like you are trying to hard sell them constantly, pushing your products in their face or sending them a million ‘sign up now’ emails. However, you also don’t want to be forgotten about. This is where nurturing comes in. Strategising an approach to your consumers that makes them feel valued and a part of a community is the best way to nurture them into becoming loyal customers. 

Nailing these three elements of a customer centric campaign and applying them to how you approach customers in general will lead you to better performing results. 

Need a hand executing your next strategic campaign?

Reach out to us, we kind of love this stuff. 

About the Author of this blog:

Sophie Mara

Sophie loves the creative & fun side of the marketing world, but her colour-coded to-do list is always close by to keep her on track (organised queen!).

Sophie graduated with a Bachelor of Business (Marketing) in 2018, she then spent the next 5 years gaining experience in a variety of different industries - which all operated very differently giving her a chance to develop a broad skill set. Sophie is excited to help bring brands to life & see them flourish in the digital marketing space.

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