Marketing Takes Momentum

October 20, 2022

Growth within a business is an incredible goal to set, businesses should always look at moving forward. Momentum is the force that can allow you and your business to continue to grow and move, but what is momentum in a marketing context?

Now don’t get me wrong, an instant return on in
vestment is always a great feeling, but, in the marketing world, it can more often than not take time to build the momentum to receive that desired return on investment. 

Building momentum takes time and it takes preparation. You have to ensure there is a solid strategy and building blocks in place so that when things do pick up, they don’t run away from you, a bit like the momentum fails below.

Phase 1:

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We recommend developing and implementing marketing strategies on a medium to long-term basis (this is how long we typically work with our clients). You may be thinking why does it take that long to establish the momentum? 

Working with a range of different clients we often have found a pattern that has emerged in regards to the timeline. In this case, let’s call it the Momentum timeline. 

Phase 1

It is imperative to the marketing of your business to understand the key messaging and the tone of voice of the brand.

We like to jump in with a marketing archetype exercise. As part of this archetyping exercise we like to set a clear brand tone of voice which helps keeps things authentic and consistent when we move in any marketing direction.

Phase 2

In the first and often second month of working together with a brand, it is what we like to call the benchmarking month/s.

Getting in and starting to implement new strategies which haven’t been utilised before. In the case of social media, this means we often see a large positive impact on statistics. We measure these so that we can manage them moving forward.

Phase 3

This is the phase in which we can really begin to build upon the strategies and foundation that were put into place during phase 1. This is a great time to start expanding on ideas and get creative.

Using statistics from the previous months to help steer the ship. We can start distinguising what elements worked and reuse and reshape them.

Considering the Plan, Do, Check and Adjust model is key in this phase. See more about this model here

Phase 4

Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. You want to keep audiences engaged and interested in your content, and sometimes this means switching it up and trying out some new ideas. The important thing to remember in this phase is that it is okay to try out new things because by this point you have built a solid foundation and momentum for your marketing strategy.

Craving momentum in your marketing? I'd love to chat over an almond cap.

Feel free to send us a message via our contact page or shoot me an email at

About the Authors of this blog:

Maddie Riehl

Founder and Director of Hey Marketing. Maddie has a passion for all things digital marketing.

She began her career in marketing in 2013. From there she completed a Cert IV in marketing and further developed her skills and knowledge base.

After seeing some flaws in other agency offerings, Maddie wanted to create a marketing agency where things are done a little differently - and so Hey Marketing was born!

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