Now the question is, why use nostalgia in your marketing strategy? Shouldn’t we just leave the past in the past?
The answer is that invoking nostalgia in your marketing helps to build a positive relationship between you and your clientele (and potential clientele).
Let's take a look at some big brand’s take on using nostalgia in their marketing:
First up is Nintendo.
In this ad Nintendo reminds viewers about the fun you had playing with Nintendo as a child, which in this case brought two distanced brothers back together to bond over Nintendo once again. The other important showcase in this ad is that even though times and technology has changed the happiness and childlike wonder that Nintendo once gave is still possible.
Let’s take a look at an example that’s a little closer to home for us Aussies.
The reboot trend of 2018 gave the perfect opportunity for Tourism Australia to bring back the nostalgia of the Crocodile Dundee movies, all the while showcasing the best that Australia has to offer in tourism.
So why does nostalgia work? The simple answer is that it creates a positive association and feelings towards your brand and your services / products. This also means that positive brand recall is more likely to occur.
So next time you are planning a #throwbackthursday post, take a second to think about what nostalgic feelings you could tap into.