Website, do I need one?

December 1, 2021

In a digital world with so many platforms to choose from, are websites still relevant?

The answer is.... ABSOLUTELY, and here's why.

With social media becoming such a big part of digital strategy, often businesses can forget about the importance of having a website and often think that they are something that is not necessary anymore. 

Well... there's no shortage of websites being developed, a whopping 191,967 new websites go live every day! You may have seen on our socials recently that our website books are closed for the rest of the year and that we have recently opened our bookings for February 2022!

Today I want to have a little chat with you about the importance of having a website for your business. So grab a coffee (or beverage of choice depending on the time you’re reading this 😉) and let’s chat (
this will take 3 minutes to read)

The value that a website can bring to your digital strategy is invaluable. Not only does it provide a place to distribute information about your business but it provides somewhere to drive your potential clients to. 

Here are my top 3 reasons your business needs a website:

  1. Showcase your brand

A website is a great place to showcase your brand and your brand's personality to current and potential clients. It provides a space where you can tell the story of your business, who you are, your vision and your mission. By providing this information it often helps clients decide whether they align with your brand and whether they will buy your products/use your services. 


   2. Increase credibility

Having a website increases the credibility of your business with potential clients. A website can make sure that you put your best foot forward and stand out from your competitors. Without a website, the legitimacy of your business may be put into question. You want a client to know that they can trust in your brand and to be seen as professional

Saves time for everyone

Having a website means that there is a central place for all the information about your business, services and products can be found. This saves time for both you and your clients by having all the information in an easy to access place. Having a website also allows you to list frequently asked questions and answers meaning all the info that people need to know is ready and available! Realistically your website needs to do some of the heavy lifting for you and your team - ask yourself - "what is the job description of my website" and then call it in for a performance review...

Here is a little performance review checklist for you to work through with your website:

Check 1. Is the information on your website up to date?

Check 2. Does your website showcase your brands personality accurately, both visually and written?

Check 3. Are you showcasing your brand to in the best light online with your website?

Based on those answers you'll have a pretty good idea of what to do next.

Until next time,
- Tay


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