I’d love to summarise the year that we’ve had at Hey Marketing and I know, I know, this blog will find you at a busy time, your phone will be buzzing filled with notifications and noise, but I’d love to chat to you for just 4 minutes, sit back, deep breath, look me in the digital eyes (focus) and read on.
As I lay these words together to summarise our year at Hey Marketing, I find myself feeling the need to pick up a pen and paper. It’s now more than ever people are seeking authentic, true, real and trustworthy experiences with brands online. Don’t you feel the same? I know I did and I know a lot of our brands did also.
As I work in the digital space and own a digital marketing biz, I should probably be allergic and despise paper, pen and all things tangible, but I feel it is when we are most in-tune with what is authentic and real that we can create the best experience online for our brands. Breaking past the dreaded screen barrier, be conscious to avoid adding to the noise and actually speak to customers like they’re understood individuals who have their own needs, wants and heartbeats.
In a year with digital corruption, data stealing, social media ownership changing and a time where we saw ourselves accept more cookies than ever before (personally it’s done terrible things for my waistline!), we as digital marketers, had to be more innovative and creative then ever before.
It was a challenge our team accepted and went into the digital battle space for many local Toowoomba brands as well as international and interstate brands (humble brag). We thank those that trusted us with our left field ideas and those that brainstormed with us and allowed us to bring their ideas to life. Our end of month reports for our clients, showed us that we created content that left our audiences wanting more and interacting with their customer, suppliers and steakholders (sorry, I must be getting hungry again) in a way like never before, making them feel like they were connected, bridging the gap from online to in person - all through the power of a screen, strategic high quality content, good subtitles and brilliant marketers (not so humble brag).
Again in 2022 we repurposed our strategic digital content, when and where possible, into additional collateral mediums for our clients to utilise. Ensuring they got the best bang for the duck, I mean buck. I’ll stop rhyming there.
In 2022, our team took websites to another level by expanding and dabble with the creation of e-commerce stores. Creating a model that’s affordable for SME’s and has a fabulous user experience for both customers and the brand. More on this to come in 2023!
All this to say, you know me, I could talk digital marketing for days but Santa comes soon so I’ll pull up short. If you're on this email list than I want to thank you for your support and loyalty throughout another year. We’ve loved working with you and we hope for many more projects together. (Side note: our books are closed for January & early February but we’re taking bookings from then on for 2023!).
We hope that this year you get to have a break over the holiday period and spend it with those you love. Turn off your phone (yes, I’m advocating this!) and enjoy the moments because you can’t replay them.
Signing off for 2022 (oh, we will be working till 3:30pm Friday 23rd December 2022 and reopening our laptops on Monday 9th January 2023).
Happy Holidays and goodnight (or good morning, depends what time you get to this!).
About the Authors of this blog:
Founder and Director of Hey Marketing. Maddie has a passion for all things digital marketing.
She began her career in marketing in 2013. From there she completed a Cert IV in marketing and further developed her skills and knowledge base.
After seeing some flaws in other agency offerings, Maddie wanted to create a marketing agency where things are done a little differently - and so Hey Marketing was born!