ChatGPT - Friend or Foe?

January 20, 2023

Before you ask, no I didn’t get ChatGPT to write this article. 😂

ChatGPT had 1 million users in the first week of its launch. This AI writing tool sure is making a splash in the writing world, so what do we have to say about it?… Well we’ll get there, let’s just unpack what ChatGPT is for those who need to come up to speed.


So what the heck is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is essentially a Chatbot, but not like one you’ve ever seen before. It’s not one of those stupid ones that keep asking you the same question in a round about circle that take you nowhere and you end up saying a curse word to your screen. 


ChatGPT is quite clever. It can fix spelling and grammar errors, give feedback on writing, write poems and songs, create lesson plans for teachers and much more…. Freaky huh?! And what’s even crazier is, it’s pretty good at its job.


So, what even does the GPT bit stand for?

Generative Pre-trained Transformer *cue bumblebee stage left*.


Get nerdy with me for a second.


GPT is a neural network machine learning model trained using internet data to generate any type of text. AKA this bad boy requires a small amount of input text to generate large volumes of relevant and sophisticated machine-generated text.


It’s pretty cool and pretty funny. Ask it to write you a song, you’ll be entertained for hours (best done while sipping on a glass of wine). 


Ok enough flattery towards ChatGPT, what do we, as professional copywriters and marketers think about it at Hey Marketing?


Well, we think it’s cool (see above compliments), but here’s the rest of our thoughts in dot points:

  • It’s a tool, not the answer 

Use it. It’s a clever tool but it’s not the answer. It forms part of your research, a tool and leaver to use in your tool kit. If you are treating it as ‘the answer’ you’re going to end up sounding like everyone else. 

  • Don’t just copy & paste 

Why not? Seems easy and simple… well, firstly Google will hate you. Google has already released an article saying it will penalise AI writing for SEO (search engine optimisation). And you just don’t want that!

  • No matter how smart this robot is, it doesn’t have a brain or heartbeat.

Although it seems quite convincing that it does, it really doesn’t. We’re the humans, we have the brain & heartbeat, we need to add the brand tone of voice, the humour, the heart to the writing. 


ChatGPT can create efficiencies and be used as tool but it’s not the answer. Long story short, ChatGPT is a friend and I’d say it’s here to stay, change the game and there’s more of this to come in the future.


It’s a friend that creates efficiencies and helps us clean up and stack the dishwasher after dinner (we wish!). 

About the Authors of this blog:

Maddie Riehl

Founder and Director of Hey Marketing. Maddie has a passion for all things digital marketing.

She began her career in marketing in 2013. From there she completed a Cert IV in marketing and further developed her skills and knowledge base.

After seeing some flaws in other agency offerings, Maddie wanted to create a marketing agency where things are done a little differently - and so Hey Marketing was born!

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