This ‘Tell Me Without Telling Me’ social media challenge is probably some of the best writing advice disguised in a meme (if you still read that as me-me that’s ok – just FYI a ‘meme’ is an image, video, piece of text, typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations.).
Tell Me Without Telling Me is genius. It gives your messaging a faster way to communicate, far beyond words but with SENSES (visual and audio… because social media hasn’t quite covered off on smell, taste and touch).
It’s the best way to paint a picture in the mind of the reader and to connect with them on a whole ‘nother level.
It gets us away from being boring and just stating the things we see but it puts us into the mind of the audience: What’s it like? How does it feel?
I often see business owners get trapped into writing too much, too literally that it actually causes their clients to disconnect.
It can be hard to write like this when you’re too close to the product or service offering, that’s why marketing agencies like Hey Marketing exist. We provide a fresh perspective and aim to connect with your audience on another level, using the Tell Me Without Telling Me thinking.
With all this in mind, go audit your messaging, is it too obvious? Is it telling the reader too much and boring them to death with words?