A logo is the sole graphic identifier for your business, but a brand is everything that encompasses what you do and who you are. This ranges from brand imagery, and tone of voice, all the way down to fonts and colours.
As Jeff Bezos founder of Amazon famously said,
“A brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room”
Often when starting a business, your brand identity is the last thing on your mind. You’re wrapped up in supply chain, profit & loss and figuring out your target market…not what fonts to use or which array of Pantone’s speak to you. This is where a rebrand can come in super handy! Your biz is in full swing, you’re a well-oiled machine! But you don’t love the feeling of your brand.
So, what does a rebrand involve?
Depending on your goal and what you want to achieve, a rebrand can be as subtle or as bold as you like. If you think it’s time for your biz to make an impact, that real
*wow* factor, you might consider a name change and/or an entirely new logo. With this, you can really pinpoint what it is you want your updated brand to feel like and how you want to connect with your customers/clients. To tie in with this, you might also consider updating your website, engaging in a content shoot, or creating social media accounts for your biz (if you haven’t already).
OR perhaps you may just want an updated look of what you currently have. This can be as simple as tweaking your existing logo by changing the font, and colours or subtly updating the icon. In most cases, this is still enough of a change to reposition yourself amongst competitors whilst maintaining brand recognition with a refreshed, modern look.
Rebranding happens more than you think, and more than you may even realise. Large companies have often been through multiple rebrands to make sure they’re keeping up with the times. For example, how many Burger King logos can you picture? Since its creation in 1955, Burger King has gone through 4 rebrands. Recently they have reverted back to their more classic logo from the 7’70s-’90s perhaps trying to tap into the nostalgic feeling
(read more about that here)